Augustus- Getting it done:
- begins the Pax Romana
- built roads and aqueducts (plumbing).
- set up civil services to take care of roads and such.
- all around a great leader, until he died. He gave his power too....
Tiberius! But first, a bit about Jesus:
- Roman citizen, practicing Jew
- began his ministry at 30.
- " My kingdom is not of this world." That made the the Romans nervous. They started planning his execution.
- sentenced to crucifixion.
- Not that popular in his lifetime. He hung out with the low class. People still don't know the exact date of when he was born and when he died.
- The Christian religion believes that Jesus was their savor and God's son.
- Paul told everyone about Jesus. He used to hate the Christians but than he saw a vision and he believed. So he spread the word of his story to everyone
- Paul traveled all over the place to tell everyone.
Most influential People in History:
- Muhammed
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Jesus
- Buddah
- Confucius
- St. Paul of Tarsus
- dark, somber, reclusive, reluctant leader
- great general
- referred to the senate as : men to fit be slaves."
- Germanicus and Tiberius used to be slaves but G was about to succeed Tiberius so he killed him.
- Died when he was 77 years old. Gave the thrown to...
Caligula: What a wierdo
- starts off well
- granting bonuses to the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a matter of public record.
- but then.. he began to fight with the sentate
- claimed to be a god
- had people make statues of him.
- Slept with other mens' wives and brag about it. ew
- indulged in to much spending.
- tried to make his horse a priest...
- assassinated by his own people.
Claudius: Speech impediment
- his family made fun of him cause he had a speech impediment.
- was actually a really good emperor!
- took over Britan
- renovated the Circus Maximus.
- Claudius has his wife killed
Meanwhile, Religious Troubles
- Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
- Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god.
- A group of Jews tried to rebel but they were all killed. They were called the Zealot.
- Western wall is still there today (holiest of all walls)