Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rome Fails


  • Diocletian- Roman empire who divided Rome into east and west.
  • Constantine- 
  • Edict of Milan- The Edict of Milan (Edictum Mediolanense) was a letter signed by emperors Constantine I and Licinius that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire.
  • Constantinople- largest city and formal capital of Turkey
  • Huns- A member of a warlike Asiatic nomadic people who ravaged Europe in the 4th–5th centuries.
  • Leo I- Italian pope from 440 to 461 who extended the authority of the papacy to the west and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome. 
  1. Trade was ruined by barbarian raids and pirates.  Also the gold and silver in coins decreased.
  2. Rome's military fell because of the Goth's repeatedly attacking them.
  3. When Constantine became emperor, he accepted Christianity.  He moved Rome's capital to Greece.
  4. Rome couldn't fight of their invaders because they were already week to begin with.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rome Movie Review and Powerpoint 5/16/11

Augustus- Getting it done:

  • begins the Pax Romana
  • built roads and aqueducts (plumbing).
  • set up civil services to take care of roads and such.
  • all around a great leader, until he died.  He gave his power too....
Tiberius!  But first, a bit about Jesus:
  • Roman citizen, practicing Jew
  • began his ministry at 30.
  • " My kingdom is not of this world."  That made the the Romans nervous.  They started planning his execution.
  • sentenced to crucifixion.
  • Not that popular in his lifetime.  He hung out with the low class.  People still don't know the exact date of when he was born and when he died.
  • The Christian religion believes that Jesus was their savor and God's son.
  • Paul told everyone about Jesus.  He used to hate the Christians but than he saw a vision and he believed.  So he spread the word of his story to everyone
  • Paul traveled all over the place to tell everyone.
Most influential People in History:
  1. Muhammed
  2. Sir Isaac Newton
  3. Jesus
  4. Buddah
  5. Confucius
  6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • dark, somber, reclusive, reluctant leader
  • great general
  • referred to the senate as : men to fit be slaves."
  • Germanicus and Tiberius used to be slaves but G was about to succeed Tiberius so he killed him.
  • Died when he was 77 years old.  Gave the thrown to...
Caligula: What a wierdo
  • starts off well
  • granting bonuses to the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a matter of public record.
  • but then.. he began to fight with the sentate
  • claimed to be a god
  • had people make statues of him. 
  • Slept with other mens' wives and brag about it. ew
  • indulged in to much spending.
  • tried to make his horse a priest...
  • assassinated by his own people.
Claudius: Speech impediment
  • his family made fun of him cause he had a speech impediment.
  • was actually a really good emperor!
  • took over Britan
  • renovated the Circus Maximus.
  • Claudius has his wife killed
Meanwhile, Religious Troubles
  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
  • Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god.
  • A group of Jews tried to rebel but they were all killed.  They were called the Zealot.
  • Western wall is still there today (holiest of all walls)

Friday, May 6, 2011