Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Quiz

  • What kind of crops help people advance? wheat, barley, corn, rice, millet grains.  
  • Who is Jared Diamond? Professor at UCLA, anthropologists, wrote a book called Guns, Germs, and Steal that was turned into a movie
  • What is Sago? advantages? disadvantages? Not enough nutrients, not enough to feed the village, keeps you full.
  • What is a granery?  Something that stores food to create a surplus
  • What is the capital? Port Morsby
  • Main religion? Christianity.
  • Where is Papua, New Guinea? island right above Australia.  
  • What and who are hunter gatherers? Never build homes, roam around and and hunt and gather food.  People were hunter gatherers before people discovered that they could farm.  Nomadic.  
  • What is the significance of a surplus?  having a surplus means you have more than enough.  SPECIALIZED LABOR! since not everyone need to farm, other people are free to invent other things like weaving, making tools, making hide, etc.
  • what role does geographical luck have in civilization.  If you live in a climate that is good for farming.  Good animals.  It allows the civilization to keep going forward.
  • what animals helped civilization grow the most? Horses, sheep, goats.  
  • Domesticated plant? easy to plant, easy to store, high in protein, 
  • domesticated animals? gets along with people, can be tamed, over a hundred pounds, meat eaters, social animals, milk, offspring.
  • What is cargo? material that you accumulate over a period of time.
  • 85% of jobs in Papua, New Guinea is farmers.
  • significance of latitude? the same types of crops are grown around the same latitude.  Spread around.
  • what is draa'?  first village in human history.  The made the granery.

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