Friday, April 29, 2011

Let it Rain, MMMMMMMMM.

Circus Maximus
River Tiber
Mark Antony
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Latifundia River
Hanibal on an elephant.
Retook yesterday's quiz! Yayyyy! (:  Mr. Schick made a really impressive rap for Rome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Carthage, Carthage Two by Four. Can't Fit Through The Kitchen Door!

  1. Why were the plebians disatisifed with the Roman Republic?  The Plebians were made because they thought the Patricians had mor control.  How did they win reforms?  They won reforms by leaving Rome which then forced the Patricans to give them more rights.  What changes did they bring about in the Roman Government?  They helped Rome achieve a balanced Government.
  2. Why did Romans consider they had a balanced government?  Their Government was part monarchy and part Aristocraty.
  3. One Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
  4. At the start of the punic wars, why might carthage appear to be the stronger power? Carthage was three times the size of Rome and had a huge navy of about 500 ships. Why was Rome the victor?  Rome used a thing called gangplanks.  They connected the boats so they could fight on foot.
  5. Why was the battle of Zama a major turning point in history?  The Battle of Zana ended the 2nd Punic was.
  6. Why did the Greeks first welcome the Roman armies?  Why did they change their attitude?

Class of 4/27/11

Democracy- Votes on important decisions
Republic- Votes on the leaders.
The United States of America is a republic!  Gravitas is the virtues of discipline, strength, and loyalty.  In Rome, the father of the family had the power to kill his own children.  He had complete control over the household.  Togas were basically what everyone wore.  Patritian were upper class families and had special priviledged.  Plebians were kind of like middle class.  The legion was Rome's massive military unit.  It was 4,000- 6,000 men.  The legion was much better than the phalanx.  A century was a subgroup for the legion.  This made it easier for the Legion to move it around.  Women were very respected.  They could help their husbands make political decisions.  She could also own property and testify in court.  Men had to join the military.  It was considered an honor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome Reading

  • Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch.
  • Gravitas-  The virtues of discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  • patrician- special priviledged families.
  • Pater Familias- the father
  • Toga- what most Romans wore, very uncomfortable.
  • Plebian- common people, farmers artisans, etc. 
  • legion- Roman military.

  1. How did geography help Rome?  Rome is right next to the Mediterranean which made it easy for ships to travel.  Also, they are between mountains which keeps them protected from enemies.
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development? (Latins, Greeks Etruscans)  Latins came to Rome around 1000 B.C.  They were mostly farmers and shepherds and wore their own made clothing.  The Greeks came next, around 750- 600 B.C.  They developed 50 colonies along the coastline of Italy.  They were very influential in Rome's religion also.  The Etruscans came around 1200- 800 B.C.  Etruscans were much more civilized then the Latins.  Greeks adopted the alphabet from them.  The Greeks also adopted Etruscan architecture.
  3. The values of the early roman society were called Gravitas.  They were focused around discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  4. How are the roman's household organized?  The father had complete control of the family and had authority over all of the land and property.  He was also the protector of the family.  What freedom did women have in the family and society?  Women were in charge of running the household.  She was a citizen and had the right to testify in court.  She could also advice her husband on politics.  The only the she couldn't do was vote. 
  5. How was Rome tied to their army?  Rome had a massive military unit called a Legion.  They used similar strageties like the Phalanx, from Greece.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Greece Overview 4/18/2011


  • 33 multiple choice questions.
  • 1 essay
question and such:
  • 776 b.c the Olympics began.
  • Olympics consisted of pencration, chariot racing, discus, long jumping, running. 
  • what was the formation that Greek armies used? phalanx
  • Greek soldiers were called hoplites.
  • Greek battles against the Persians: Guagemela, Marathon, Thermopolie, Issus, PELOPINISIAN WAR WAS NOT ONE.
  • the pelopanision war started because Athens was becoming to powerful.
  • Sparta won the pelop. war.
  • 508 B.C is when the people rose up against there rulers.
  • Spartans were land fighters.
  • Homer told the Illiad and the Oddysey. Odyseus was a war hero from the Trojan war.  The Lliad was the story of the Trojan war.
  • architecture: types of columns.
  • Doric columns are on the Parthenon.
  • Parthenon was built during the Golden Age.
  • Pericles was the ruler during the Golden Age.  He wanted to glorify Athens.  he wanted to strengthen their democracy.  expand the empire.
  • Agora was their meeting/ voting place
  • what was pottery used for? storage and stuff.
  • Being a potter was not a good job!
  • Greeks discovered that the moon did not have his own light.  It was reflected off the sun.
  • Euclid discovered Geometry 
  • Archimedes discovered the pullie system and water displacment
  • three main philosphers socrates, plato, Arostatles
  • arostatle taught Alexander the Great.
  • Plato wrote the Apology about Socrates trial.
  • ESSAY QUESTION: life and trial of Socrates!  Charges with disrespecting the gods, and corrupting the youth of Athens.  He was found guilty and died.  poison. Famous statement THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander! the movie

Alexander was a very interesting person.  He is one of the best war heroes in Greek history.  When he was young, his mother, Olympius, told him that he was not Philips son, but a god's son.  Alexander tamed a wild horse by steering it away from his own shadow.  He led the battle of Gaugumela.  This battle was one of the bloodiest battles in Greek history.  Their team they were fighting against rode on camals.  Just thought i would put that in there.  The battle of Gaugumela was one of Alexander's first big battles. After the battle he became king.  He was loved by all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Questions From Presentations

Kamau: 79%
  • What kind of things did the Spartans eat?
  • Did they ever have any fun?
  • What was the most important war in Sparta?
Fiona: 88%
  • Why did Athens keep losing major leaders?
  • What was the most important battle?
  • How did you find this video?
Alyssa: 100%
  • what was life like for a soldier?
  • What was Alexander the Great like?
  • How much would their uniform cost today?
Clarke: 95%
  • whats Alexander's father like?
Taylor: 93%
  • what other stories did Homer write?
  • Did people ever kill the price?
  • How long is the original Odyssey. 
Billy: 65%
  • why did they mix the cultures?
  • How long did it last?
  • why was it called the Hellenic Age?
Sarah: 85%
  • Why was it called the Parthenon?
  • why did the decide to build it?
  • what was it used for?
Clark: 79%
  • did anyone believe in these ideas?
  • how long did it take to discover these things?
Catherine: 95%
  • what was rainbow ware?
  • why did no one like potters?
  • what did kilns do?
Gracie: 90%
  • who are some of the famous poets?
  • what were some of the most important stories/ poetry?
  • why did philosophers not make a lot of money?
Christy: 100%
  • Why did everyone blame Socrates
  • why did Socrates want dinner?
  • what did Socrates do?
Emma: 96%

  • what were some of the sports played?
  • Why is it called the Olympics?
  • who were the first champions?
Jeffy: 85%
  • what were columns used for?
  • what was the Acropolis?
  • what was the significance of columns?
Cole: 89%
  • when did the wars take place?
  • why did Athens keep losing leaders?
  • what was the most important battle?
Katie: 94%
  • what plays did Socrates write?
  • what was the Alogori of the Cave?