Monday, April 18, 2011

Greece Overview 4/18/2011


  • 33 multiple choice questions.
  • 1 essay
question and such:
  • 776 b.c the Olympics began.
  • Olympics consisted of pencration, chariot racing, discus, long jumping, running. 
  • what was the formation that Greek armies used? phalanx
  • Greek soldiers were called hoplites.
  • Greek battles against the Persians: Guagemela, Marathon, Thermopolie, Issus, PELOPINISIAN WAR WAS NOT ONE.
  • the pelopanision war started because Athens was becoming to powerful.
  • Sparta won the pelop. war.
  • 508 B.C is when the people rose up against there rulers.
  • Spartans were land fighters.
  • Homer told the Illiad and the Oddysey. Odyseus was a war hero from the Trojan war.  The Lliad was the story of the Trojan war.
  • architecture: types of columns.
  • Doric columns are on the Parthenon.
  • Parthenon was built during the Golden Age.
  • Pericles was the ruler during the Golden Age.  He wanted to glorify Athens.  he wanted to strengthen their democracy.  expand the empire.
  • Agora was their meeting/ voting place
  • what was pottery used for? storage and stuff.
  • Being a potter was not a good job!
  • Greeks discovered that the moon did not have his own light.  It was reflected off the sun.
  • Euclid discovered Geometry 
  • Archimedes discovered the pullie system and water displacment
  • three main philosphers socrates, plato, Arostatles
  • arostatle taught Alexander the Great.
  • Plato wrote the Apology about Socrates trial.
  • ESSAY QUESTION: life and trial of Socrates!  Charges with disrespecting the gods, and corrupting the youth of Athens.  He was found guilty and died.  poison. Famous statement THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. 

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