Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome Reading

  • Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch.
  • Gravitas-  The virtues of discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  • patrician- special priviledged families.
  • Pater Familias- the father
  • Toga- what most Romans wore, very uncomfortable.
  • Plebian- common people, farmers artisans, etc. 
  • legion- Roman military.

  1. How did geography help Rome?  Rome is right next to the Mediterranean which made it easy for ships to travel.  Also, they are between mountains which keeps them protected from enemies.
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development? (Latins, Greeks Etruscans)  Latins came to Rome around 1000 B.C.  They were mostly farmers and shepherds and wore their own made clothing.  The Greeks came next, around 750- 600 B.C.  They developed 50 colonies along the coastline of Italy.  They were very influential in Rome's religion also.  The Etruscans came around 1200- 800 B.C.  Etruscans were much more civilized then the Latins.  Greeks adopted the alphabet from them.  The Greeks also adopted Etruscan architecture.
  3. The values of the early roman society were called Gravitas.  They were focused around discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  4. How are the roman's household organized?  The father had complete control of the family and had authority over all of the land and property.  He was also the protector of the family.  What freedom did women have in the family and society?  Women were in charge of running the household.  She was a citizen and had the right to testify in court.  She could also advice her husband on politics.  The only the she couldn't do was vote. 
  5. How was Rome tied to their army?  Rome had a massive military unit called a Legion.  They used similar strageties like the Phalanx, from Greece.

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