Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The movie again

  • 508 B.C  Athens turned on their rulers.
  • Clysthenes had been brought up since birth to be a ruler.  This night was a turning point for him.  He thought that the people should have freedom.
  • born around 570 B.C.  He was an aristocrat.
  • Athens was not big at all.
  • acropolis!
  • reading and writing was a rare skill and life expectancy was 15 years.  Life was tough
  • Greece does not have unity because of the mountains.  It is divided into city states!
  • each city state was very independent and had their own culture/
  • Sparta was brought from birth to be soldiers.  
  • they had conqered more than 4,00 square miles. 
  • Ancient tales and myths were a big part of Greek history.
  • To most famous tales are The Odyssey and Lilad.  Composed by Homer.
  • Lilad is about the Trojan war.
  • Odyssey was about Odeys.
  • Stories were called epics.
  • A tyrant is someone who takes control of the government.
  • Pisistartus thought he saw Athena who but really it was just some girl from a neighboring village.  He told everyone that she told him to run Athens.
  • he was a good leader, and began to transform the city.
  • He cuts taxes and offers them loans.
  • Olives were very important in their economy.  They started to trade across seas.
  • The vase was also very important.  potter were very poor, but then they started to design them and make them pretty.  now they are worth millions!
  • 527 B.C Pistritis died.  Hippieas, his son took over.
  • at first he followed in his footsteps.  but then someone murdered his brother and he got bitter and mean.  He suspected everyone.
  • Life had now become dangerous.  This is when Clithenes came in.  He was going to try to take over his title.
  • He succeeded and banished him. Clithenes was called a hero! yayy! (:
  • Asagaris takes over Hippieas and the people started to revolt. 508 B.C (back to beginning.)
  • they wanted Clisthenes to rule!
  • agora is a place carved out of rock.  it is wear they met for meetings.
  • to vote on things, people used a black pebble for no and a white pebble for yes.
  • in 490 B.C pheidippides liked to run.
  • Persia was invading Greece ahh. so pheidippides ran to go get help.  he ran 140 miles in just 2 days.  to bad no one wanted to help.  Athens would have to fight alone.
  • fortunately, the Greeks did win! :) yay.
  • Themistocles 
  • Tyremees were a scary looking, high tech boat that Themistocles created for war. They were very expensive!
  • 483 B.C Athens discovered that they had a ton of silver.  they wanted to divide it for themselves but Themistocles wanted to buy it for ships.
  • he told everyone tht they were going to use it for attacking city states instead of Persia.  They made and amazing naval force
  • Xerses was the king of Persia and wanted to avenge is father and take over Athens.  
  • in 480 B.C the Persian empire set out for Greece.  Athens got quite scared and they turned to the oracle of Delphi.  There fate was quite bad...
  • Themistocles refuse to panic!  he went back to the oracle and she said the wooden wall will not fail. There was hope.  
  • he decided to fight them at sea.
  • Themistocles ordered evacuation of women and children and sent them to an island.  He is going to fight between the island and their homeland.  
  • the Greeks won again! Xerses was quite upset.
  • delian league was the Greeks pulling all their forces together kind of like the united nations.  Athens was the leader.
  • Athens was living the good life.
  • Themistocles was ostrosized because everyone thought he was to stuck up.
  • PARICLES was the leader of Athens at the hight of Athens.  
  • He made a parthonon for Athena.  one of the most ASTONISHING building ever.
  • 20,000 tons of marble made in 15 years.
  • He also made a 40 foot statue of Athena.
  • Most famous is a wall in the temple.  it has carved Athenians in it.  (Frizz)
  • Spasia was a companion to Paricles.  
  • twice a year athenias would gather at the theater to watch a festival.
  • The Greeks basically invented drama.

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Notes on Greece!

Geography of Greece:
  • Mountainous peninsula.  3/4 is mountains.  
  • aprox. 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas.
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources
  • difficult to united together because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities. (city states)
  • 20% is suitable for farming.
  • fertile valleys covered about 1/4 of the peninsula.
  • lots of grains, grapes, and olives. (olive oil)
  • temperature ranges from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer.
  • began around 2000 B.C.
  • located on a rocky ridge protected by 20ft wall
  • mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600- 1200
  • controlled trade in the region
  • around 1200 B.C sea people (Dorians) began to invade M and burnt palaces.
  • Far less advanced 
  • economy collapsed
  • writing disappeared for 400 years.
  • Dark Ages
Homer and Myths
  • only stories were passed through word of mouth
  • Homer lived in the dark ages
  • recorded stories of the Trojan War in the lliad and the odyssey

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization Movie

  • Very powerful and headstrong people.
  • They would take over armies twice their size.
  • about 3 centuries before Christ a battle occured in Athens.
  • Plithenies was born around 570 B.C. and was born a ruler.  
  • Athens was a small town in the peninsula of Greece.
  • reading and writing was rare school.
  • Ancient Greek life was extremely hard and short.
  • Greece was divided into city states, each very different and with its own culture.
  • Corinthians were good at trading.
  • Spartans were broad up at birth to be soldiers.
  • Spartans wore red capes to hide their, or their enemies' blood.
  • A tyrant is a person who takes over the government.
  • Athena was the patron god of Athens.
  • This tyrant Pysistretus was approached by a lady that he thought was Athena, but really wasn't.
  • He thought this was a sign that he should rule.  
  • Pysistretus began to transform the city.  
  • Olives are a big part of Greece's economy.
  • They traded olive oil with Egypt.
  • Greeks found their wealth and prosperity on the rise.
  • The vase was Greeks first artistic legacy. 
  • A potter had no respect.  but then started making beautiful pottery that is now worth a lot today
  • when Pysistreus died.  His son took over, but was not a good leader.
  • in 514 B.C  His brother died and he turned bitter.
  • Aristotle said he was mad.
  • Life in Greece had now become dangerous.
  • Plyseneise thought his time was now and tried to overthrow the tyrant.   He won and was no one of the most heroic leaders of Greece.
  • Greeks got together in peace for the Olympic games.
  • In 508 B.C Athens had an uprising against their ruler and seized power for them selves.
  • The Athenians looked to Klathenese to rule their government.
  • Klathenese used black and white pebble so the people can vote on things.
  • Fatibities ran a whole 140 because his homeland was about to be conquered by the Persian empire.  He went to go get help.
  • The Greeks did end up winning.
  • Xeres wanted vengence from his fathers defeat, and marched into Athens.
  • The Athenians got scared and sent a messenger to the oracle to find out their fate.  
  • The oracle told them they were doomed and everyone went into an uproar.
  • He decided to fight them at sea.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Empires and Such

Barbarian- anyone that was not Greek.  A person living outside the roman empire
Cyrus the Great- means sun- like in the Greek version of the Old Persian.  Found the first world empire!  After he died, his sons ruled, Cambyses I and Arsames.
Darius the Great- king of Persia, one of the greatest rulers.  He tried several times to take over Greece but failed.
The battle of marathon- in august or September.  First victory of the Persian war for the Greeks.  
Xerses- Persian King 486 B.C planned to avenge his father and take over Greece.  He planned first to invade by sea and then by land.
Bridge of Hellespont- command boats to latch together a bridge.  used to cross Asia and Europe.  It was destroyed in a storm.  he got mad and started to whip the water to punish the gods.  
Leonidas-  one of the few leaders that had undergone spartan training.  He was the hero king of sparta. lean mean fighting machine.
Peloponnesse, Greece-  Where the Spartans lived.  some of the most bloody battles.  
Herodutos-  a Greek historian.  we would not know a lot about Greece if it wasn't for him.  Father of history.  reporter for battles. ethnographics and socialigist.

Friday, March 4, 2011

More Notes on Egypt

Egypt's economy:

  • tourism (who wouldn't want to go to Egypt?)
  • oil and natural gas manufacturing.
  • agricultural- making most of their limited arable land (3%)  Cotton, corn, rice, fava beans.
  • The Aswan Dam- controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases reclaimed land
Egypt's demographics
  • 79 million people- biggest populations out of all the Middle eastern nations.  # biggest African country
  • Cairo: 6.7 million people.
  • official language: Arabic  (English, French, and German are also taught.
  • religion: about 90% Muslim.  The rest are mostly Christian.
  • Christians do not get along with the Christians.
  • 1922 was the end of protectorate with the United Kingdom.
  • 1953- Egypt was declared republic.
  • 1954-1970 ruled by Gamal Masser
  • forms allegiance with the Soviet Union.
  • 1970-1981 ruled by Anwar Sadat.  Switched allegiance to the United States
  • Attacked Israel and got some of their land back, but later made peace.
  • Anwar Sadat was assassinated is 1981 because he wanted to make peace. ouch.
  • 1981- 2011 was ruled by Hosni Mubarak.  Kept and alliance with U.S and helped us with the war.
  • He was accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations.
  • He was driven from office last month.  thats awkward.
  • whats next for Egypt? No one knows...  Now the military is running things until the September elections.  There is a slight problem because the don't even have political parties.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ancient Egypt Notes (from prezi)

What we are covering:
  1. geography
  2. daily life
  3. pharaohs
  4. pyramids
  • life was centered around the Nile river.
  • flows from south to north.
  • water was used for drinking, irrigating, and bathing.
  • Every July, the Nile floods.
  • first people to create a calender from the moon.
  • Every October, the flood leaves rich soil.
  • The delta is a broad marshy triangular are of fertile silt.
  • managing the rive required technological breakthrough in irrigation
  • strange to think that they could have built them.
  • used very particular angles
  • The most popular pyramid is the great Sphynx of Giza. (A lion with a humans head.)
  • It is the oldest monumental statue in the world, built 4500 years ago.
Daily Life:
  • A lot of the people were slaves and servants.  from there it goes farmers, artisans, merchants, scriber, soldiers, government officials (nobles, priest), Pharaoh.
  • slaves and servants helped the wealthy and worked in peoples homes. 
  • farmers feed everyone.  raised wheat, barley etc.
  • artisans drew picture, carve statues, showing military battles, every day life, etc.
  • money/barter system was used- merchants might accept bags of grain for payment- later coinage came about.
  • scribes kept records, told stories, wrote poetry, anatomy and medical treatment, etc. Wrote hieroglyphics and in hieratic.  
  • soldiers use wooden weapons, bow and arrows with bronze tips and might ride chariots.
  • Government known as the "white kilt class"- priests, engineers, physicians.  wore white kilts.
  • Pharaoh is the religious and political leader.  Told the government what to sacrifice.  "Lord of two Lands"
  • Hatshepsut was a woman who served as the pharaoh.
  • Cleopatra VII also served as a pharaoh.