Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The movie again

  • 508 B.C  Athens turned on their rulers.
  • Clysthenes had been brought up since birth to be a ruler.  This night was a turning point for him.  He thought that the people should have freedom.
  • born around 570 B.C.  He was an aristocrat.
  • Athens was not big at all.
  • acropolis!
  • reading and writing was a rare skill and life expectancy was 15 years.  Life was tough
  • Greece does not have unity because of the mountains.  It is divided into city states!
  • each city state was very independent and had their own culture/
  • Sparta was brought from birth to be soldiers.  
  • they had conqered more than 4,00 square miles. 
  • Ancient tales and myths were a big part of Greek history.
  • To most famous tales are The Odyssey and Lilad.  Composed by Homer.
  • Lilad is about the Trojan war.
  • Odyssey was about Odeys.
  • Stories were called epics.
  • A tyrant is someone who takes control of the government.
  • Pisistartus thought he saw Athena who but really it was just some girl from a neighboring village.  He told everyone that she told him to run Athens.
  • he was a good leader, and began to transform the city.
  • He cuts taxes and offers them loans.
  • Olives were very important in their economy.  They started to trade across seas.
  • The vase was also very important.  potter were very poor, but then they started to design them and make them pretty.  now they are worth millions!
  • 527 B.C Pistritis died.  Hippieas, his son took over.
  • at first he followed in his footsteps.  but then someone murdered his brother and he got bitter and mean.  He suspected everyone.
  • Life had now become dangerous.  This is when Clithenes came in.  He was going to try to take over his title.
  • He succeeded and banished him. Clithenes was called a hero! yayy! (:
  • Asagaris takes over Hippieas and the people started to revolt. 508 B.C (back to beginning.)
  • they wanted Clisthenes to rule!
  • agora is a place carved out of rock.  it is wear they met for meetings.
  • to vote on things, people used a black pebble for no and a white pebble for yes.
  • in 490 B.C pheidippides liked to run.
  • Persia was invading Greece ahh. so pheidippides ran to go get help.  he ran 140 miles in just 2 days.  to bad no one wanted to help.  Athens would have to fight alone.
  • fortunately, the Greeks did win! :) yay.
  • Themistocles 
  • Tyremees were a scary looking, high tech boat that Themistocles created for war. They were very expensive!
  • 483 B.C Athens discovered that they had a ton of silver.  they wanted to divide it for themselves but Themistocles wanted to buy it for ships.
  • he told everyone tht they were going to use it for attacking city states instead of Persia.  They made and amazing naval force
  • Xerses was the king of Persia and wanted to avenge is father and take over Athens.  
  • in 480 B.C the Persian empire set out for Greece.  Athens got quite scared and they turned to the oracle of Delphi.  There fate was quite bad...
  • Themistocles refuse to panic!  he went back to the oracle and she said the wooden wall will not fail. There was hope.  
  • he decided to fight them at sea.
  • Themistocles ordered evacuation of women and children and sent them to an island.  He is going to fight between the island and their homeland.  
  • the Greeks won again! Xerses was quite upset.
  • delian league was the Greeks pulling all their forces together kind of like the united nations.  Athens was the leader.
  • Athens was living the good life.
  • Themistocles was ostrosized because everyone thought he was to stuck up.
  • PARICLES was the leader of Athens at the hight of Athens.  
  • He made a parthonon for Athena.  one of the most ASTONISHING building ever.
  • 20,000 tons of marble made in 15 years.
  • He also made a 40 foot statue of Athena.
  • Most famous is a wall in the temple.  it has carved Athenians in it.  (Frizz)
  • Spasia was a companion to Paricles.  
  • twice a year athenias would gather at the theater to watch a festival.
  • The Greeks basically invented drama.

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