Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization Movie

  • Very powerful and headstrong people.
  • They would take over armies twice their size.
  • about 3 centuries before Christ a battle occured in Athens.
  • Plithenies was born around 570 B.C. and was born a ruler.  
  • Athens was a small town in the peninsula of Greece.
  • reading and writing was rare school.
  • Ancient Greek life was extremely hard and short.
  • Greece was divided into city states, each very different and with its own culture.
  • Corinthians were good at trading.
  • Spartans were broad up at birth to be soldiers.
  • Spartans wore red capes to hide their, or their enemies' blood.
  • A tyrant is a person who takes over the government.
  • Athena was the patron god of Athens.
  • This tyrant Pysistretus was approached by a lady that he thought was Athena, but really wasn't.
  • He thought this was a sign that he should rule.  
  • Pysistretus began to transform the city.  
  • Olives are a big part of Greece's economy.
  • They traded olive oil with Egypt.
  • Greeks found their wealth and prosperity on the rise.
  • The vase was Greeks first artistic legacy. 
  • A potter had no respect.  but then started making beautiful pottery that is now worth a lot today
  • when Pysistreus died.  His son took over, but was not a good leader.
  • in 514 B.C  His brother died and he turned bitter.
  • Aristotle said he was mad.
  • Life in Greece had now become dangerous.
  • Plyseneise thought his time was now and tried to overthrow the tyrant.   He won and was no one of the most heroic leaders of Greece.
  • Greeks got together in peace for the Olympic games.
  • In 508 B.C Athens had an uprising against their ruler and seized power for them selves.
  • The Athenians looked to Klathenese to rule their government.
  • Klathenese used black and white pebble so the people can vote on things.
  • Fatibities ran a whole 140 because his homeland was about to be conquered by the Persian empire.  He went to go get help.
  • The Greeks did end up winning.
  • Xeres wanted vengence from his fathers defeat, and marched into Athens.
  • The Athenians got scared and sent a messenger to the oracle to find out their fate.  
  • The oracle told them they were doomed and everyone went into an uproar.
  • He decided to fight them at sea.

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