Thursday, June 2, 2011

Is Etruscan a Language?

I got a hundred!  YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!  except i didn't get the extra credit.
oh well.
latinlatinlatinlatinlatinlatin.  ETRUSCAN!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rome Fails


  • Diocletian- Roman empire who divided Rome into east and west.
  • Constantine- 
  • Edict of Milan- The Edict of Milan (Edictum Mediolanense) was a letter signed by emperors Constantine I and Licinius that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire.
  • Constantinople- largest city and formal capital of Turkey
  • Huns- A member of a warlike Asiatic nomadic people who ravaged Europe in the 4th–5th centuries.
  • Leo I- Italian pope from 440 to 461 who extended the authority of the papacy to the west and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome. 
  1. Trade was ruined by barbarian raids and pirates.  Also the gold and silver in coins decreased.
  2. Rome's military fell because of the Goth's repeatedly attacking them.
  3. When Constantine became emperor, he accepted Christianity.  He moved Rome's capital to Greece.
  4. Rome couldn't fight of their invaders because they were already week to begin with.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rome Movie Review and Powerpoint 5/16/11

Augustus- Getting it done:

  • begins the Pax Romana
  • built roads and aqueducts (plumbing).
  • set up civil services to take care of roads and such.
  • all around a great leader, until he died.  He gave his power too....
Tiberius!  But first, a bit about Jesus:
  • Roman citizen, practicing Jew
  • began his ministry at 30.
  • " My kingdom is not of this world."  That made the the Romans nervous.  They started planning his execution.
  • sentenced to crucifixion.
  • Not that popular in his lifetime.  He hung out with the low class.  People still don't know the exact date of when he was born and when he died.
  • The Christian religion believes that Jesus was their savor and God's son.
  • Paul told everyone about Jesus.  He used to hate the Christians but than he saw a vision and he believed.  So he spread the word of his story to everyone
  • Paul traveled all over the place to tell everyone.
Most influential People in History:
  1. Muhammed
  2. Sir Isaac Newton
  3. Jesus
  4. Buddah
  5. Confucius
  6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • dark, somber, reclusive, reluctant leader
  • great general
  • referred to the senate as : men to fit be slaves."
  • Germanicus and Tiberius used to be slaves but G was about to succeed Tiberius so he killed him.
  • Died when he was 77 years old.  Gave the thrown to...
Caligula: What a wierdo
  • starts off well
  • granting bonuses to the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a matter of public record.
  • but then.. he began to fight with the sentate
  • claimed to be a god
  • had people make statues of him. 
  • Slept with other mens' wives and brag about it. ew
  • indulged in to much spending.
  • tried to make his horse a priest...
  • assassinated by his own people.
Claudius: Speech impediment
  • his family made fun of him cause he had a speech impediment.
  • was actually a really good emperor!
  • took over Britan
  • renovated the Circus Maximus.
  • Claudius has his wife killed
Meanwhile, Religious Troubles
  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
  • Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god.
  • A group of Jews tried to rebel but they were all killed.  They were called the Zealot.
  • Western wall is still there today (holiest of all walls)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Let it Rain, MMMMMMMMM.

Circus Maximus
River Tiber
Mark Antony
Add caption

Latifundia River
Hanibal on an elephant.
Retook yesterday's quiz! Yayyyy! (:  Mr. Schick made a really impressive rap for Rome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Carthage, Carthage Two by Four. Can't Fit Through The Kitchen Door!

  1. Why were the plebians disatisifed with the Roman Republic?  The Plebians were made because they thought the Patricians had mor control.  How did they win reforms?  They won reforms by leaving Rome which then forced the Patricans to give them more rights.  What changes did they bring about in the Roman Government?  They helped Rome achieve a balanced Government.
  2. Why did Romans consider they had a balanced government?  Their Government was part monarchy and part Aristocraty.
  3. One Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
  4. At the start of the punic wars, why might carthage appear to be the stronger power? Carthage was three times the size of Rome and had a huge navy of about 500 ships. Why was Rome the victor?  Rome used a thing called gangplanks.  They connected the boats so they could fight on foot.
  5. Why was the battle of Zama a major turning point in history?  The Battle of Zana ended the 2nd Punic was.
  6. Why did the Greeks first welcome the Roman armies?  Why did they change their attitude?

Class of 4/27/11

Democracy- Votes on important decisions
Republic- Votes on the leaders.
The United States of America is a republic!  Gravitas is the virtues of discipline, strength, and loyalty.  In Rome, the father of the family had the power to kill his own children.  He had complete control over the household.  Togas were basically what everyone wore.  Patritian were upper class families and had special priviledged.  Plebians were kind of like middle class.  The legion was Rome's massive military unit.  It was 4,000- 6,000 men.  The legion was much better than the phalanx.  A century was a subgroup for the legion.  This made it easier for the Legion to move it around.  Women were very respected.  They could help their husbands make political decisions.  She could also own property and testify in court.  Men had to join the military.  It was considered an honor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome Reading

  • Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch.
  • Gravitas-  The virtues of discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  • patrician- special priviledged families.
  • Pater Familias- the father
  • Toga- what most Romans wore, very uncomfortable.
  • Plebian- common people, farmers artisans, etc. 
  • legion- Roman military.

  1. How did geography help Rome?  Rome is right next to the Mediterranean which made it easy for ships to travel.  Also, they are between mountains which keeps them protected from enemies.
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development? (Latins, Greeks Etruscans)  Latins came to Rome around 1000 B.C.  They were mostly farmers and shepherds and wore their own made clothing.  The Greeks came next, around 750- 600 B.C.  They developed 50 colonies along the coastline of Italy.  They were very influential in Rome's religion also.  The Etruscans came around 1200- 800 B.C.  Etruscans were much more civilized then the Latins.  Greeks adopted the alphabet from them.  The Greeks also adopted Etruscan architecture.
  3. The values of the early roman society were called Gravitas.  They were focused around discipline, strength, and loyalty.
  4. How are the roman's household organized?  The father had complete control of the family and had authority over all of the land and property.  He was also the protector of the family.  What freedom did women have in the family and society?  Women were in charge of running the household.  She was a citizen and had the right to testify in court.  She could also advice her husband on politics.  The only the she couldn't do was vote. 
  5. How was Rome tied to their army?  Rome had a massive military unit called a Legion.  They used similar strageties like the Phalanx, from Greece.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Greece Overview 4/18/2011


  • 33 multiple choice questions.
  • 1 essay
question and such:
  • 776 b.c the Olympics began.
  • Olympics consisted of pencration, chariot racing, discus, long jumping, running. 
  • what was the formation that Greek armies used? phalanx
  • Greek soldiers were called hoplites.
  • Greek battles against the Persians: Guagemela, Marathon, Thermopolie, Issus, PELOPINISIAN WAR WAS NOT ONE.
  • the pelopanision war started because Athens was becoming to powerful.
  • Sparta won the pelop. war.
  • 508 B.C is when the people rose up against there rulers.
  • Spartans were land fighters.
  • Homer told the Illiad and the Oddysey. Odyseus was a war hero from the Trojan war.  The Lliad was the story of the Trojan war.
  • architecture: types of columns.
  • Doric columns are on the Parthenon.
  • Parthenon was built during the Golden Age.
  • Pericles was the ruler during the Golden Age.  He wanted to glorify Athens.  he wanted to strengthen their democracy.  expand the empire.
  • Agora was their meeting/ voting place
  • what was pottery used for? storage and stuff.
  • Being a potter was not a good job!
  • Greeks discovered that the moon did not have his own light.  It was reflected off the sun.
  • Euclid discovered Geometry 
  • Archimedes discovered the pullie system and water displacment
  • three main philosphers socrates, plato, Arostatles
  • arostatle taught Alexander the Great.
  • Plato wrote the Apology about Socrates trial.
  • ESSAY QUESTION: life and trial of Socrates!  Charges with disrespecting the gods, and corrupting the youth of Athens.  He was found guilty and died.  poison. Famous statement THE UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander! the movie

Alexander was a very interesting person.  He is one of the best war heroes in Greek history.  When he was young, his mother, Olympius, told him that he was not Philips son, but a god's son.  Alexander tamed a wild horse by steering it away from his own shadow.  He led the battle of Gaugumela.  This battle was one of the bloodiest battles in Greek history.  Their team they were fighting against rode on camals.  Just thought i would put that in there.  The battle of Gaugumela was one of Alexander's first big battles. After the battle he became king.  He was loved by all!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Questions From Presentations

Kamau: 79%
  • What kind of things did the Spartans eat?
  • Did they ever have any fun?
  • What was the most important war in Sparta?
Fiona: 88%
  • Why did Athens keep losing major leaders?
  • What was the most important battle?
  • How did you find this video?
Alyssa: 100%
  • what was life like for a soldier?
  • What was Alexander the Great like?
  • How much would their uniform cost today?
Clarke: 95%
  • whats Alexander's father like?
Taylor: 93%
  • what other stories did Homer write?
  • Did people ever kill the price?
  • How long is the original Odyssey. 
Billy: 65%
  • why did they mix the cultures?
  • How long did it last?
  • why was it called the Hellenic Age?
Sarah: 85%
  • Why was it called the Parthenon?
  • why did the decide to build it?
  • what was it used for?
Clark: 79%
  • did anyone believe in these ideas?
  • how long did it take to discover these things?
Catherine: 95%
  • what was rainbow ware?
  • why did no one like potters?
  • what did kilns do?
Gracie: 90%
  • who are some of the famous poets?
  • what were some of the most important stories/ poetry?
  • why did philosophers not make a lot of money?
Christy: 100%
  • Why did everyone blame Socrates
  • why did Socrates want dinner?
  • what did Socrates do?
Emma: 96%

  • what were some of the sports played?
  • Why is it called the Olympics?
  • who were the first champions?
Jeffy: 85%
  • what were columns used for?
  • what was the Acropolis?
  • what was the significance of columns?
Cole: 89%
  • when did the wars take place?
  • why did Athens keep losing leaders?
  • what was the most important battle?
Katie: 94%
  • what plays did Socrates write?
  • what was the Alogori of the Cave?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The movie again

  • 508 B.C  Athens turned on their rulers.
  • Clysthenes had been brought up since birth to be a ruler.  This night was a turning point for him.  He thought that the people should have freedom.
  • born around 570 B.C.  He was an aristocrat.
  • Athens was not big at all.
  • acropolis!
  • reading and writing was a rare skill and life expectancy was 15 years.  Life was tough
  • Greece does not have unity because of the mountains.  It is divided into city states!
  • each city state was very independent and had their own culture/
  • Sparta was brought from birth to be soldiers.  
  • they had conqered more than 4,00 square miles. 
  • Ancient tales and myths were a big part of Greek history.
  • To most famous tales are The Odyssey and Lilad.  Composed by Homer.
  • Lilad is about the Trojan war.
  • Odyssey was about Odeys.
  • Stories were called epics.
  • A tyrant is someone who takes control of the government.
  • Pisistartus thought he saw Athena who but really it was just some girl from a neighboring village.  He told everyone that she told him to run Athens.
  • he was a good leader, and began to transform the city.
  • He cuts taxes and offers them loans.
  • Olives were very important in their economy.  They started to trade across seas.
  • The vase was also very important.  potter were very poor, but then they started to design them and make them pretty.  now they are worth millions!
  • 527 B.C Pistritis died.  Hippieas, his son took over.
  • at first he followed in his footsteps.  but then someone murdered his brother and he got bitter and mean.  He suspected everyone.
  • Life had now become dangerous.  This is when Clithenes came in.  He was going to try to take over his title.
  • He succeeded and banished him. Clithenes was called a hero! yayy! (:
  • Asagaris takes over Hippieas and the people started to revolt. 508 B.C (back to beginning.)
  • they wanted Clisthenes to rule!
  • agora is a place carved out of rock.  it is wear they met for meetings.
  • to vote on things, people used a black pebble for no and a white pebble for yes.
  • in 490 B.C pheidippides liked to run.
  • Persia was invading Greece ahh. so pheidippides ran to go get help.  he ran 140 miles in just 2 days.  to bad no one wanted to help.  Athens would have to fight alone.
  • fortunately, the Greeks did win! :) yay.
  • Themistocles 
  • Tyremees were a scary looking, high tech boat that Themistocles created for war. They were very expensive!
  • 483 B.C Athens discovered that they had a ton of silver.  they wanted to divide it for themselves but Themistocles wanted to buy it for ships.
  • he told everyone tht they were going to use it for attacking city states instead of Persia.  They made and amazing naval force
  • Xerses was the king of Persia and wanted to avenge is father and take over Athens.  
  • in 480 B.C the Persian empire set out for Greece.  Athens got quite scared and they turned to the oracle of Delphi.  There fate was quite bad...
  • Themistocles refuse to panic!  he went back to the oracle and she said the wooden wall will not fail. There was hope.  
  • he decided to fight them at sea.
  • Themistocles ordered evacuation of women and children and sent them to an island.  He is going to fight between the island and their homeland.  
  • the Greeks won again! Xerses was quite upset.
  • delian league was the Greeks pulling all their forces together kind of like the united nations.  Athens was the leader.
  • Athens was living the good life.
  • Themistocles was ostrosized because everyone thought he was to stuck up.
  • PARICLES was the leader of Athens at the hight of Athens.  
  • He made a parthonon for Athena.  one of the most ASTONISHING building ever.
  • 20,000 tons of marble made in 15 years.
  • He also made a 40 foot statue of Athena.
  • Most famous is a wall in the temple.  it has carved Athenians in it.  (Frizz)
  • Spasia was a companion to Paricles.  
  • twice a year athenias would gather at the theater to watch a festival.
  • The Greeks basically invented drama.

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Notes on Greece!

Geography of Greece:
  • Mountainous peninsula.  3/4 is mountains.  
  • aprox. 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas.
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources
  • difficult to united together because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities. (city states)
  • 20% is suitable for farming.
  • fertile valleys covered about 1/4 of the peninsula.
  • lots of grains, grapes, and olives. (olive oil)
  • temperature ranges from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer.
  • began around 2000 B.C.
  • located on a rocky ridge protected by 20ft wall
  • mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600- 1200
  • controlled trade in the region
  • around 1200 B.C sea people (Dorians) began to invade M and burnt palaces.
  • Far less advanced 
  • economy collapsed
  • writing disappeared for 400 years.
  • Dark Ages
Homer and Myths
  • only stories were passed through word of mouth
  • Homer lived in the dark ages
  • recorded stories of the Trojan War in the lliad and the odyssey

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization Movie

  • Very powerful and headstrong people.
  • They would take over armies twice their size.
  • about 3 centuries before Christ a battle occured in Athens.
  • Plithenies was born around 570 B.C. and was born a ruler.  
  • Athens was a small town in the peninsula of Greece.
  • reading and writing was rare school.
  • Ancient Greek life was extremely hard and short.
  • Greece was divided into city states, each very different and with its own culture.
  • Corinthians were good at trading.
  • Spartans were broad up at birth to be soldiers.
  • Spartans wore red capes to hide their, or their enemies' blood.
  • A tyrant is a person who takes over the government.
  • Athena was the patron god of Athens.
  • This tyrant Pysistretus was approached by a lady that he thought was Athena, but really wasn't.
  • He thought this was a sign that he should rule.  
  • Pysistretus began to transform the city.  
  • Olives are a big part of Greece's economy.
  • They traded olive oil with Egypt.
  • Greeks found their wealth and prosperity on the rise.
  • The vase was Greeks first artistic legacy. 
  • A potter had no respect.  but then started making beautiful pottery that is now worth a lot today
  • when Pysistreus died.  His son took over, but was not a good leader.
  • in 514 B.C  His brother died and he turned bitter.
  • Aristotle said he was mad.
  • Life in Greece had now become dangerous.
  • Plyseneise thought his time was now and tried to overthrow the tyrant.   He won and was no one of the most heroic leaders of Greece.
  • Greeks got together in peace for the Olympic games.
  • In 508 B.C Athens had an uprising against their ruler and seized power for them selves.
  • The Athenians looked to Klathenese to rule their government.
  • Klathenese used black and white pebble so the people can vote on things.
  • Fatibities ran a whole 140 because his homeland was about to be conquered by the Persian empire.  He went to go get help.
  • The Greeks did end up winning.
  • Xeres wanted vengence from his fathers defeat, and marched into Athens.
  • The Athenians got scared and sent a messenger to the oracle to find out their fate.  
  • The oracle told them they were doomed and everyone went into an uproar.
  • He decided to fight them at sea.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Empires and Such

Barbarian- anyone that was not Greek.  A person living outside the roman empire
Cyrus the Great- means sun- like in the Greek version of the Old Persian.  Found the first world empire!  After he died, his sons ruled, Cambyses I and Arsames.
Darius the Great- king of Persia, one of the greatest rulers.  He tried several times to take over Greece but failed.
The battle of marathon- in august or September.  First victory of the Persian war for the Greeks.  
Xerses- Persian King 486 B.C planned to avenge his father and take over Greece.  He planned first to invade by sea and then by land.
Bridge of Hellespont- command boats to latch together a bridge.  used to cross Asia and Europe.  It was destroyed in a storm.  he got mad and started to whip the water to punish the gods.  
Leonidas-  one of the few leaders that had undergone spartan training.  He was the hero king of sparta. lean mean fighting machine.
Peloponnesse, Greece-  Where the Spartans lived.  some of the most bloody battles.  
Herodutos-  a Greek historian.  we would not know a lot about Greece if it wasn't for him.  Father of history.  reporter for battles. ethnographics and socialigist.

Friday, March 4, 2011

More Notes on Egypt

Egypt's economy:

  • tourism (who wouldn't want to go to Egypt?)
  • oil and natural gas manufacturing.
  • agricultural- making most of their limited arable land (3%)  Cotton, corn, rice, fava beans.
  • The Aswan Dam- controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases reclaimed land
Egypt's demographics
  • 79 million people- biggest populations out of all the Middle eastern nations.  # biggest African country
  • Cairo: 6.7 million people.
  • official language: Arabic  (English, French, and German are also taught.
  • religion: about 90% Muslim.  The rest are mostly Christian.
  • Christians do not get along with the Christians.
  • 1922 was the end of protectorate with the United Kingdom.
  • 1953- Egypt was declared republic.
  • 1954-1970 ruled by Gamal Masser
  • forms allegiance with the Soviet Union.
  • 1970-1981 ruled by Anwar Sadat.  Switched allegiance to the United States
  • Attacked Israel and got some of their land back, but later made peace.
  • Anwar Sadat was assassinated is 1981 because he wanted to make peace. ouch.
  • 1981- 2011 was ruled by Hosni Mubarak.  Kept and alliance with U.S and helped us with the war.
  • He was accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations.
  • He was driven from office last month.  thats awkward.
  • whats next for Egypt? No one knows...  Now the military is running things until the September elections.  There is a slight problem because the don't even have political parties.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ancient Egypt Notes (from prezi)

What we are covering:
  1. geography
  2. daily life
  3. pharaohs
  4. pyramids
  • life was centered around the Nile river.
  • flows from south to north.
  • water was used for drinking, irrigating, and bathing.
  • Every July, the Nile floods.
  • first people to create a calender from the moon.
  • Every October, the flood leaves rich soil.
  • The delta is a broad marshy triangular are of fertile silt.
  • managing the rive required technological breakthrough in irrigation
  • strange to think that they could have built them.
  • used very particular angles
  • The most popular pyramid is the great Sphynx of Giza. (A lion with a humans head.)
  • It is the oldest monumental statue in the world, built 4500 years ago.
Daily Life:
  • A lot of the people were slaves and servants.  from there it goes farmers, artisans, merchants, scriber, soldiers, government officials (nobles, priest), Pharaoh.
  • slaves and servants helped the wealthy and worked in peoples homes. 
  • farmers feed everyone.  raised wheat, barley etc.
  • artisans drew picture, carve statues, showing military battles, every day life, etc.
  • money/barter system was used- merchants might accept bags of grain for payment- later coinage came about.
  • scribes kept records, told stories, wrote poetry, anatomy and medical treatment, etc. Wrote hieroglyphics and in hieratic.  
  • soldiers use wooden weapons, bow and arrows with bronze tips and might ride chariots.
  • Government known as the "white kilt class"- priests, engineers, physicians.  wore white kilts.
  • Pharaoh is the religious and political leader.  Told the government what to sacrifice.  "Lord of two Lands"
  • Hatshepsut was a woman who served as the pharaoh.
  • Cleopatra VII also served as a pharaoh.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Questions to Ask Sarah!

  1. Were you afraid of getting hurt in the riots?
  2. Were you afraid of getting arrested in the riots?
  3. Do you know anyone that got injured?
  4. What do you think will happen now?
  5. How did you first here about the riots and what was your first reaction?
  6. How did your friends and family react?
  7. How did you feel when you were in the riots?
  8. How do you feel now that is over and you have won?
  9. what is the most important thing you want everyone to know about the riots?
  10. Have seeing the riots effected you at all emotionally?

Egypt Egypt Egypt!

Today we started talking about whats going on in Egypt.  Hosni Mubaric has been the president of Egypt for 30 years.  Eventually the people started to riot and made him resign from office.  There was 18 days of protest starting January 25, 2011.  Mubaric was re-elected  in 1987, 1993, and 1999, but the elections weren't very fair.  Eventually people got annoyed by him and started revolting.  A lot of people didn't want to though because they thought he was a good president. We watched a video on the revolt in Egypt also.  I learned that is all started with one group called the April, 6 group, that grew by the internet.  He used Facebook and Youtube to start the national protest.  It swelled to 80,000 people in one week.  It was supposed to be a peaceful revolt but it didn't really end that way.  The police came and turned it into a awful bloodbath.  It was bad.  Then, on January 25 when the next revolt started they finally got him out of office.  Now he is hiding somewhere in an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mummy Rap

enjoy :)
A long time ago in the land of Ancient Egypt,
Important pharaohs ruled their dynasty.
But when they died, the process was kind of nasty.
The wanted to preserve their body you see,
For a safe trip to the afterlife, being wrapped as a mummy was the key.

The pharaoh has died OH MY!
Everyone was depressed and cried.
Step one the body must be dried.
Now they must remove the organs
This was a gruesome job you see,
But someone’s gotta do it,
Better you not me! (OHHHH)
They put the intestines in a jar with a falcon
I wonder how the pharaoh died, maybe he fell of his balcon…y.
A jar with the head of a dog his stomach went.
Oh! This is such a disgusting event.
His lungs went in a jar with the head of a baboon,
Gosh, these people were such buffoons.
Lastly they used a hook to get the brain out.
The worst process without doubt.
They thought the brain was useless
Little did they know they really used theirs less! (OHHH OH OH)

A long time ago in the land of Ancient Egypt,
Important pharaohs ruled their dynasty.
But when they died, the process was kind of nasty.
The wanted to preserve their body you see,
For a safe trip to the afterlife, being wrapped as a mummy was the key.

They dried out the body for another forty days.
This process was done in such a specific way.
The body was then stuffed with packaging,
Now the body was ready for bandaging.
They wrapped the mummy in twenty layers.
For their funeral, people hired surveyors.
The mummy was wrapped with gold and nice things.
The Pharaohs deserved it, they were great kings.
The jars were transported to the tomb by sleigh.
Oh, this day was so sad and gray.
People would grieve and throw dust in their hair,
Wow, let’s not get carried away here.
Religious ceremonies were held to insure the person to afterlife,
Their journey will be long, it will be difficult to survive.

A long time ago in the land of Ancient Egypt,
Important pharaohs ruled their dynasty.
But when they died, the process was kind of nasty.
The wanted to preserve their body you see,
For a safe trip to the afterlife, being wrapped as a mummy was the key.

A lot of mummies were destroyed by grave robbers.
They dug up the mummies and stole their stuff (how rude.)
Wow, they must be scary and tough.
You can see what the mummy looked like.
Mummification was so well done.
So that’s the story about mummies everyone.

A long time ago in the land of Ancient Egypt,
Important pharaohs ruled their dynasty.
But when they died, the process was kind of nasty.
The wanted to preserve their body you see,
For a safe trip to the afterlife, being wrapped as a mummy was the key.


Friday, February 11, 2011


  • when a person dies, people try to preserve the person body by mummifying them.
  • It was a very long and extensive process that took 70 days
  • First they wash the body in the river.
  • next they remove the deceased person inner organs.  They tried them out and wrapped them  they put the intestines in a jar with the head of a falcon.  they put the stomach in a jar with the head of a jackal(dog), they put the lungs in a jar with the head of a baboon, and they put the liver in a jar with the head of a human.
  • They used a hook to take they brain out but the Egyptians found the brain to be unimportant so they just through it away.
  • Next, they put the body on a table and let it try out for 40 days.
  • The head and body were stuffed with packing.
  • The mummy was then prepared for bandaging.
  • wrapped without twenty layers.
  • while they were wrapping they put gold and nice things in it.
  • the mummy was ready for the funeral
  • Pharaohs had the nicest funerals.
  • The jars were transported to the tomb by a sleigh (with Santa!)
  • people were hired to show their grief by crying and throwing dust in their hair.  
  • religious ceremonies were held to bring the dead person to afterlife.
  • the opening of the mouth ceremony is said to allow the person to see, hear, eat, and drink in the afterlife.
  • Most of the mummies were destroyed by grave robbers.
  • mummification is so well done you may be able to see what they look like.
  • They believe mummification insured a safe passage to new life.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Test Essay Transition between Hunter and Gatherers to Farmers

                 Before people started making civilizations, there were hunters and gatherers.  Hunters and gatherers roamed around and never bothered to build houses.  They were always to busy looking for food to eat and hunting animals. They constantly kept moving after they ate all the berries and animals they could find in one area.
                 People lived like this for a while until they discovered farming.  They realized that they didn't have to roam around all the time and they could just plant food at one spot.  The best kind of crops were rice, wheat, barley, and corn.  These crops were easy to store.  They also realized that when they store food they make a surplus.  Having a surplus of food meant that they had more time and not everyone had to be farming.  This gave people other jobs to invent more new things like weaving, making tools, making hide, etc.  This was called specialized labor.  
                 Along with growing crops, the ancient people also learned that they could domesticate animals.  A good domesticatable animal had to get along with humans, be over 100 pounds, eat only plants, and get along with other animals.  Animals gave people things like milk, hide, and meat.  If they were strong enough, they could also plow, which was great for farming.  Farming was really the key to keep moving forward in civilization.

Essay on New Guinea

New Guinea is the second largest island in the world.  Its capital is Port Morsby and it has a population of about 6 million people.  New Guinea has many religions, most are Christian.  The rest are 0.3 percent Bahai and 3.3 percent indigenous beliefs and other.  Some of the languages they speak are Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu.  They speak some 860 indigenous languages.  The unemployment rate is 1.8% and their population below the poverty line is 37%.  12% of the people live in urban areas.  The rest still live like they did a long time ago.  The amount of oil they produce is 35,090 barrels per day. They use 36,000 barrels per day. They sell 32,490 barrels per day and they buy 14,380 barrels per day. They produce 2.885 billion kWh of electricity and they use 2.683 billion kWh.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Quiz

  • What kind of crops help people advance? wheat, barley, corn, rice, millet grains.  
  • Who is Jared Diamond? Professor at UCLA, anthropologists, wrote a book called Guns, Germs, and Steal that was turned into a movie
  • What is Sago? advantages? disadvantages? Not enough nutrients, not enough to feed the village, keeps you full.
  • What is a granery?  Something that stores food to create a surplus
  • What is the capital? Port Morsby
  • Main religion? Christianity.
  • Where is Papua, New Guinea? island right above Australia.  
  • What and who are hunter gatherers? Never build homes, roam around and and hunt and gather food.  People were hunter gatherers before people discovered that they could farm.  Nomadic.  
  • What is the significance of a surplus?  having a surplus means you have more than enough.  SPECIALIZED LABOR! since not everyone need to farm, other people are free to invent other things like weaving, making tools, making hide, etc.
  • what role does geographical luck have in civilization.  If you live in a climate that is good for farming.  Good animals.  It allows the civilization to keep going forward.
  • what animals helped civilization grow the most? Horses, sheep, goats.  
  • Domesticated plant? easy to plant, easy to store, high in protein, 
  • domesticated animals? gets along with people, can be tamed, over a hundred pounds, meat eaters, social animals, milk, offspring.
  • What is cargo? material that you accumulate over a period of time.
  • 85% of jobs in Papua, New Guinea is farmers.
  • significance of latitude? the same types of crops are grown around the same latitude.  Spread around.
  • what is draa'?  first village in human history.  The made the granery.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Facts About New Guinea

  • Papua, New Guinea is the second largest island in the world.
  • it's population is an estimated amount of about 6 million people.
  • Urbanization is 12%
  • The Unemployment rate is 1.8%
  • Roman Catholic 27%, Evangelical Lutheran 19.5%, United Church 11.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 10%, Pentecostal 8.6%, Evangelical Alliance 5.2%, Anglican 3.2%, Baptist 2.5%, other Protestant 8.9%, Bahai 0.3%, indigenous beliefs and other 3.3
  • Literacy rate is 57.3%
  • Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu are official languages
  • 26.95 births/1,000 population
  • The government is a constitutional parliamentary democracy and a commonwealth realm.
  • Capital is Port Moresby
  • Population below the poverty line is 37%

Finally Finished Guns, Germs, and Steal.

Geographical luck is really what you have been delt.  You can be lucky and have domesticatible animals and good crops like the Middle East or you could be like Papua, New Guinea who has nothing.  No one is smarter than one another, it's just that some people had the chance to move forward, while others did not.  Since people had to keep moving and hunt anymore, people started to make homes.  People also learned how to make plaster from limestone.  This was one of the biggest steps in technology.  This also led to the discovery of how to make medal.  New Guinea never advanced with medal because they were always to busy trying to feed themselves.  Areas with the same latitude, have the same climate, for example Europe and Asia.  Since they have the same climate, they could grow the same crops and this is why they both advanced at around the same time.  When Europe advanced enough to discover the Americas, they brought cattle and other farming animals.  This is why America now has farming animals.  New Guineans are still trying to catch up with the modern world, but unfortunately for them, there is still a big gap.  Some parts of New Guinea are making progress but it still isn't enough.  Some people think Jared Diamonds theory is to simple and easy, but I agree with it.  The fertile crescent.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steal...Again, again

When you store food and have extra, it's called a surplus.  Animals that are domesticated have a lot of requirements.  They need to got along with other animals and humans.  There are 48 animals that can be domesticated but only 14 are.  Goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, reinder, yacks, mithans, watter buffalo, llamas, donkeys, 2 kinds of camals, and valley cattle.  New Guinea does not have animals like this.  Once again they have very bad geographical luck.  This is another reason why New Guineans are still have nots.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steal... again

Jared Diamond is trying to answer the question why New Guinea is so undeveloped even though they started farming around the same time as China, the Middle East and Central America.  He believes its because they do not have very geographical luck.  The climate they live in is not fit for growing crops.  He has a feeling though that this cannot be the only reason the world is divided into haves and have nots.  There is something else causing  it too.  A new reason he discovered is animal herding.  People start domesticating animals and using them for food, milk, and fur.  Animals were starting to become a big part of the worlds civilization.  Also, people starting using horses and oxes to plow for them to help their crops grow.  There are still no farm animals (besides pigs) in new Guinea to help them with things like that.  the only muscle power they have human muscle.  The best animal to domesticate is a large plant eating animal.  There are 48 animals that can be domesticated.  Only 14 have been used.  Some domesticated animals are goats sheep pigs, cows horses donkeys, camals, water buffalo, mithan.

Monday, January 31, 2011

More Guns, Germs, and Steal

           Jared Diamond goes back in time and studies how people used to live.  Hunter gatherers travel in packs and hunt for stuff to eat.  Jared Diamond has the opportunity to see that with the New Guineans.  New Guineans are very smart with their surroundings and our very strong.  The movie than moves to the Middle East.  Hunter gatherers roam around looking for stuff to eat and never bother to make a home.  Eventually they stop acting like animals and realize they didnt have to keep moving and learned how to grow things.  Granary is a place where you store your grown food.  It saves it from insects, weather, wind etc.  The granary was and oval shaped whole in the earth.  It mostly stored wheat and barley.  Stone age Middle East people were the first farmers.  The people in China are also one of the first to start farming.  They mainly grew rice.  New Guinea was also one of the first farmers.  However, farming wasn't as easy in New Guinea.  The climate wasn't as good and their crops didn't have as much protein.  Sometimes they would even have to eat giant spiders to supplement their diet.  Farming is a big part of earth’s history.  Some people just have more geographic luck.  Some people were born in good farming climates, but others like the people in Papua, New Guinea.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First day of Western Civilization!

For the first day of western civ, we watched a movie called Guns, Germs, and Steal.  It is all about a man named Jared Diamond who studies the progression of different parts of the world.  He is a professor at UCLA.  In this movie it is focusing on Europe and how it took over most of the world.  He studies why they were so advanced whereas other countries like America for example were not.  In the movie he goes to Papua, New Guinea.  The New Guineans live like they did 4,000 years ago!  Even though we only watched about five minutes of the movie I learned that they are actually very smart.  They can make protective little shacks out of nothing but nature.  We also learned a little bit of vocabulary, haves are people like us.  We have electronics more than enough clothes and food etc.  Have nots are people who do not.